

If you don't know, you're in the right place.Access the free 7-Day Reality Shift SeriesWHAT'S NEXT FOR YOU?

Hi, I'm Patti!

I grew up in an environment where people believed you had to struggle and sacrifice to live. When you asked someone how they were doing, they would reply with some version of, "Hanging in there" or "Just trying to get to the end of the week."

So, I spent the first half of my life doing what I knew how to do—getting by. I married a drug addict when I was 19. I became a workaholic to prove I was "good enough." By societal standards, I was a good person—loyal and dedicated.

And then one day...I woke up, and it hurt to live. I didn't know why or what to do about it. I had followed the only path I knew—the safe path. And it betrayed me. I was stuck. And I'm so grateful I was because it led me to a new way of experiencing life. It opened my eyes to something many others before me had discovered—we are powerful creators. We are constantly creating our reality, whether we know it or not.

We are currently experiencing a collective shift in this reality. We are awakening to the fact that our thoughts and emotions create a vibration. That vibration matches other similar vibrations and creates this experience we call life. It's the old adage, "Like attracts like." We are becoming conscious that the old way of struggling, sacrificing, and taking a bunch of external actions pales in comparison to the power of listening to our intuition and taking intentional, inspired action.

If you have found me, you may not remember exactly how you ended up here. But, there are no coincidences. You are meant to be here. And my gentle nudge for you today is to be curious about why our paths have crossed.

Do you have Striving Syndrome?

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There are four "Reality Creator Types." Take this 2-minute quiz to learn which type you are and discover how you can harness your power to move forward.


FREE 7-Day Reality Shift Series

Spend the next week unlocking the power of your thoughts and emotions to create a new reality—one where your deepest desires aren’t just dreams, but your lived experience.

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