Getting Unstuck: Leveraging Your Nervous System and Intuition

Person holding coffee with lake in background

"Growth can be painful. Change can be painful. But, nothing is as painful as staying stuck." – Mandy Hale

Have you ever felt stuck in life, unable to move forward, even though you desperately want to? Perhaps you're in a career that doesn't fulfill you, or you're caught in a cycle of self-doubt and procrastination. If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. The good news is, there's a way out, and it involves tapping into the incredible power of your nervous system and intuition.

Understanding the Stuckness Dilemma

Stuckness often goes beyond mere external circumstances. It's an internal battle, a feeling of being at odds with ourselves, our aspirations, and our potential. We may be held back by fears, past traumas, or self-limiting beliefs that seem insurmountable. Conventional wisdom tells us to push through, work harder, and stay motivated, but these strategies often fall short. Why? Because they neglect the internal forces at play.

The Role of the Nervous System

Your nervous system, that intricate network of nerves and neurons, plays a pivotal role in how you perceive and respond to the world. It's the control center for your body's functions, but it's also deeply connected to your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. When you're stuck, your nervous system is often in a state of imbalance, stuck in fight-or-flight mode, or overwhelmed by stress. To get unstuck, it's crucial to bring your nervous system back into the parasympathetic state.

Enter Somatic Techniques

Somatic techniques, rooted in the body-mind connection, offer a profound way to access and influence your nervous system. They invite you to explore the sensations, emotions, and tensions within your body, creating a bridge between your physical and emotional experiences. By doing so, you can release stored trauma, reduce stress, and reconnect with your intuition—the inner compass that knows your true path.

The Power of Intuition

Intuition is that inner wisdom that speaks to you without words. It's the gut feeling, the hunch, the deep knowing that often defies logic. When you're stuck, your intuition might be drowned out by the noise of doubt and fear. Somatic techniques help you quiet that noise, making space for your intuition to guide you toward the right choices and actions.

Breaking Free from Childhood Patterns

One significant aspect of getting unstuck is addressing the patterns and beliefs we developed during childhood. These patterns are often deeply ingrained and can hold us back in our adult lives. For instance, if you learned early on that being seen by others was unpredictable and dangerous, you might unconsciously avoid taking risks that could lead to visibility and success. Somatic techniques help you identify and release these patterns, allowing you to move forward with confidence.

The "21 Days to Get Unstuck" Experience

Now that we've explored the concepts of somatic techniques and the power of intuition, you might wonder how to apply these ideas in your life. The answer lies in the "21 Days to Get Unstuck" Experience. This experience is designed to guide you through a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing.

Every day, for 21 days, you'll receive an email. In each email, you'll find a short video and a workbook prompt/exercise. It will take just around 15 minutes of your time. That's it! But within those 15 minutes, you'll embark on a journey that can change the course of your life. You'll learn to tap into your nervous system, release stuck energy, and connect with parts of yourself that may be holding you back.


Getting unstuck is not about forcing yourself to move forward; it's about aligning your internal compass and creating the conditions for growth. By leveraging your nervous system and intuition through somatic techniques, you can break free from the patterns that hold you back and step into a life of clarity, purpose, and fulfillment.

Are you ready to get unstuck and start living the life you truly desire? Take the first step by signing up for the free "How to Get Unstuck" Master Class.

Author: Patti

Somatic business coach/author dedicated to helping you get unstuck by leveraging your nervous system using somatic techniques. Feeling stuck? Sign up for the free "How to Get Unstuck" Master Class 👉